Thursday, March 30, 2006

Not Everybody "Worships" The Same

This is true, we don't all Worship the same. We should though. It's garbage that we don't.

This will be an offensive entry, just so you know before you read on. If it offends you already, read on because the Lord wants to do a work in our hearts and get us out of our comfortable ways of doing things. That is what causes us to Praise and Worship the Lord in a different ways, our zones of comfortability we cater to. I'm not talking about style of music either. Read on...

Check out your personality at the doorway of Praise!

First, lets talk about our cubic parameters for the way we praise and worship. The basis for our Praise and Worship "style" tends to habituate somewhere around how we feel, or it's about how we like it. Brings me back to the classic... "It's all about meeeeee..." "I magnify and bless my name..." for it is surely..."Holy."
I hope we have an understanding of the blasphemous... or let's call it prideful arrogance in this particular cubic parameter.

I'm not trying to be condescending, but let's get real. There's this thing called the Bible. It's God's word. He is very good communicating to us how He would like our lives to be lived out, how He wants us to be, what He has for us, and also how HE COMMANDS us to praise Him.

Psalm 33:3 Sing to him a new song, play skillfully, and SHOUT for joy.
Psalm 47:1 Clap your hands, all you nations, Shout for joy and gladness...
Sing, clap, shout, play instruments... blow the trumpet, sing for Joy!
See, the Lord commands us to do these things...there are many more, just gave you some examples.

My simple question is this.... Should we not praise and worship our God the way He commands us to!?
It's garbage that we don't worship in the same way, because the Lord commands us in His word to Praise Him in the same way. If we just don't shout out to the Lord because "it's not the way we worship" for example, it's about time to break out of our cubic parameter!


Blogger sam said...

I totally agree! As we attend a church here, that is our biggest struggle - how they worship. We go to the last (out of three) services and it is supposed to be the most energetic. Yet, most of the time, they barely clap! Two weeks ago as the chords for a familiar song started, the kids and I all looked at one another and smiled. But, as the song progressed it was obvious it was at least two or three beats slower than what we're used to. Mitch turned to me and said, "I'm going to go to Clarkson just so I can go back to CFC." I asked if I could go too. They recently hired a worship pastor and I have high hopes, based on his "interview Sunday", that he is going to really work with them to step outside thier comfort zone a bit and worship a little differently. When we first came to CFC, it was quite different than what we were used to. However, God used it to open our eyes regarding worship and now we can hardly stand to go back to our church in Michigan.
Wow! That was a long comment just to say I agree!

PS. So good to hear from you about what God's been doing in your life since we last saw you!

2:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The "personality" argument drives me crazy because, I agree, that we are all called to shout to the Lord... to sing... to dance... to be glad! I look forward to the day we are worshipping face to face, and I have a feeling it won't be a quiet affair!

11:53 PM  

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