Thursday, April 20, 2006

Fascinated By His Love

His Love is one that I cannot explain.

I ask and wonder, "Why did He choose me to know Him?" Why is it that I get the opportunity to be pursued by the Lover of our souls. To have a revelation of who He is, of what He has done, and to have life in Him who has called us by name. I am completely fascinated by His love, the grace with which He has forgiven me, and the Glory of His majesty!

I will not try to understand, but remain at peace in having known my Jesus (Ahh yes, Peace that surpasses all understanding)

There is however a place in my heart which does not rest. While I am confident in His love for me, I so desire for others to realized and accept this love. As Christians, our passion, love, devotion is within us, but it's not something we can really force or give to others. We can simply be... It's His revelation that will sweep them away.

With this thought, I pray for an atmosphere of Holy Revelation from the throne room of God, from the throne room of His grace - that those who do not know, will see.

They will not hear without a preacher, so expand our territory Lord so we can see Your Kingdom rise up into eternity.

We must burn for Him... will you burn?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was a good update.
I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Got me thinking

12:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey man, thanks for the comment. This is a good entry, I could only read part of it though because I'm in a class right now. I'll read the rest later... or maybe I'll print it so I can finish it any minute, yeah, I'll do that. Well anyway, I was thinking about all the stuff we've done together in the last two years or so, It's been awsome and I really grew so much from it. Even all the way back to the first New Jersey thing.... that was so crazy, so many things to remember, so much personal growth for all of us, and getting draged around a pool by my toes(thanks to Greg), J-Ratt doing crazy stuff... J-Rad telling us all to calm down... running over Axe cans...

Alot of fun yeah, but more importantly,

That's what was best about it.


10:45 AM  

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